Thursday, June 10, 2010

Research Professorship at the ABF

[We have the following job announcement from the American Bar Foundation.]

Pending budgetary approval, the American Bar Foundation (ABF) invites applications to join its Residential Research Faculty as Research Professors beginning in the 2011-12 academic year.

We seek candidates with distinguished records of scholarship in law and the social sciences or demonstrated potential for such accomplishments. Research area, discipline, methodology, and rank are open. The ABF is strongly committed to diversity in hiring.

The ABF is an independent, scholarly research institute committed to social science research on law, legal institutions, and legal processes. Its faculty consists of leading scholars in the fields of law, sociology, psychology, political science, economics, history, and anthropology. Research Professors may be appointed either full- or part-time. When Research Professors are jointly appointed with law or social science faculties of Chicago-area institutions, the ABF works closely with these institutions to coordinate on matters such as salary, benefits, and other work arrangements.

The Appointments Committee will begin reviewing applications on August 15, 2010. We ask that applicants submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a brief (no more than 2-page) description of current research and plans for future research, and a list of three references.

Application letters should be addressed to Robert Nelson, Director, and sent in electronic form to Roz Caldwell, Senior Administrative Assistant, at with the subject line “Faculty Search.” Queries about the application process can be directed to Ms. Caldwell at (312)988-6531.

Hat tip.