Making the Modern American Fiscal State: Law, Politics, and the Rise of Progressive Taxation, 1877-1929 by former LHB Guest Blogger Ajay Mehrotra has been the subject of a just-concluded symposium over at Prawfsblawg. The organizer was Matt Bodie. The contributors and their posts follow:
Steven Bank: The Rise of Progressive Taxation: What Does it Mean to be Progressive?
Nicholas Parrillo: American Fiscal State-Building, Crisis, and Contingency
Susie Morse: Mehrotra tackles two mysteries in Making the Modern American Fiscal State
Reuven Avi-Yonah: Avi-Yonah on Making the Modern American Fiscal State
Matthew Lindsay: “You didn’t build that” and the “Benefits” Theory of Taxation
Ajay Mehrotra: Making the Modern American Fiscal State, Central Themes and Claims
Matthew Lindsay: The Citizen-Consumer and the Origins of Progressive Income Taxation
Ajay Mehrotra: Taxation, Civic Identity, and the Future of Consumption Taxes