Friday, August 16, 2024

JACH (Summer 2024)

The Summer 2024 issue of the Journal of American Constitutional History is now online:

Noah A. Rosenblum, A Body Without a Head: Revisiting James Bryce’s The American Commonwealth on the Place of the President in the 19th Century Federal Government

Kate Masur & Gregory Downs, Designed to Ameliorate the Condition of People of Color: The Reconstruction Republicans and the Question of Affirmative Action

Symposium: Graber’s Punish Treason, Reward Loyalty and the Second Founding

[The following articles compose the first of a two-part symposium on “the Second Founding,” inspired by Mark Graber’s new book, Punish Treason, Reward Loyalty (U. Press of Kansas, 2024). The second part will be published in the Fall issue in November.]

Anne Twitty, Resuscitating a Forgotten Fourteenth Amendment

Rogers M. Smith, The Reconstruction Amendments, American Constitutional Development, and the Quest for Equal Citizenship

Rachel A. Shelden, Finding Meaning in the Congressional Globe: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Problem of Constitutional Archives

--Dan Ernst