Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Gienapp Backlist

Jonathan Gienapp, Stanford University, has posted some of his backlist on SSRN:

Using Beard to Overcome Beardianism: Charles Beard's Forgotten Historicism and the Ideas-Interest Dichotomy, Constitutional Commentary 29 (2014)

Historicism and Holism: Failures of Originalist Translation, Fordham Law Review 84 (2015)

The Foreign Founding: Rights, Fixity, and the Original Constitution, Texas Law Review Online 97 (2019)

The Myth of the Constitutional Given: Enumeration and National Power at the Founding,
American University Law Review Forum 69 (2020)

In Search of Nationhood at the Founding, Fordham Law Review 89 (2021)

Democratic Culture and Democratic Shocks: The Limits of Constitutional Cycles, Missouri Law Review 86 (2021)

Representing the Nation: Gouverneur Morris's Nationalist Constitutionalism, Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 21 (2023)

Removal and the Changing Debate over Executive Power at the Founding
, American Journal of Legal History 63 (2023)

--Dan Ernst