Saturday, July 13, 2024

Weekend Roundup

  • The Brennan Center has posted in its podcast series a recording of "Supreme Fact Check," an event from October 2023,  moderated by Adam Serwer of The Atlantic, in which Karen Tani, Kate Masur, and Laura Edwards discuss the Supreme Court’s use of history (Brennan Center Live). 
  • Diana B. Henriques will discuss her book, Taming the Street: The Old Guard, the New Deal, and FDR's Fight to Regulate American Capitalism, over the FDR Library’s YouTube and Facebook pages on Wednesday, July 17, at 2pm ET.  I’ve been reading it this summer and appreciating how Henriques' experience as a financial journalist provides a fresh perspective on familiar landmarks of securities regulation in the New Deal.  The chapters on the fall of Richard Whitney are page-turners.  DRE
  • Holly Brewer says "The Case for Expanding the Supreme Court Has Never Been Stronger" (TNR).
  • Aziz Rana discusses The Constitutional Bind in The Nation's podcast, American Prestige.  A DSA review of the book is here.
  • A notice of past-ASLH president Lauren Benton’s They Called It Peace: Worlds of Imperial Violence (Yale News).
Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.