Saturday, August 24, 2024

Weekend Roundup

  • The Balkinization symposium on Alison LaCroix's The Interbellum Constitution has come to a close. All contributions are available here, including a response from LaCroix.
  • The State of the American Idea, a podcast of the National Constitution Center, recorded February 9, 2024.  Charles Cooke, National Review, Melody Barnes, University of Virginia, and Sean Wilentz, Princeton University, “explore the debate about the core values of the American Idea—liberty, equality, democracy, and federalism—throughout American history and model the way in which Americans of different perspectives can come together in the spirit of civil dialogue.”
  • ICYMI: Ronald K. L. Collins on Gitlow v. New York (FIRE).  New Study of the Forsa Ring (“the Oldest Scandinavian Legal Text”)  “Challenges Traditional Views of Viking Age Economy” (SciTechDaily).  A fundraiser, on October 12, for the David Brearley Center for the American Constitution (Trenton Daily).

 Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.