Changing the World: American Progressives in War and Revolution , 1914-1924 (Princeton University Press, 2003)
Struggles for Justice: Social Responsibility and the Liberal State (Harvard University Press, 1991)

(co-editor) Working for Democracy: American Workers from the Revolution to the Present (University of Illinois Press, 1985)
Class and Community: The Industrial Revolution in Lynn (Harvard University Press, 1976; Winner of the Bancroft Prize)
In lieu of sending flowers, the family asks that donations in his memory be sent to any of the following organizations that Alan supported:
Weaver's Way Community Programs: send checks in honor of Alan to 559 Carpenter Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19119;
American College of Nurse Midwives Foundation; when you donate, you can indicate that the donation is in honor of Alan.
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation; when you donate, you can indicate that the donation is in honor of Alan.
A celebration of Alan Dawley's life and work is planned for June. To participate or send a remembrance, contact information is available here.