The American Historical Association offers the Littleton-Griswold Research Grant for research in US legal history and in the general field of law and society, broadly defined. The funds for this program come from the earnings of the Littleton-Griswold Fund. These modest annual grants are intended to further research in progress and may be used for travel to a library or archive, for microfilms, photographs, or photocopying—a list of purposes that is meant to be merely illustrative, not exhaustive (other expenses, such as child care, can be included). Individual grants up to $1,000 will be awarded.
Only members of the Association are eligible to apply for AHA research grants. Preference will be given to those with specific research needs, such as the completion of a project or completion of a discrete segment thereof. Preference will be given to advanced doctoral students, non-tenured faculty, and unaffiliated scholars.
Please note: Within a five-year period, no individual is eligible to receive more than a combined total of $1,000 from all AHA research grants.
The AHA has partnered with Interfolio to manage our research grant application process. Application instructions for members are available here. (You must be logged in to access this page.) Applications must be submitted through Interfolio by February 15 each year. There is no fee to apply. Mailed, e-mailed, or faxed applications will not be accepted.
Applications must include:
CV (three to five pages maximum)A selection committee reviews applications each spring, and applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by e-mail in mid-May. Awards are distributed each June. Please, no phone calls.
statement of no more than 750 words describing your project
one-page bibliography
project budget worksheet
Successful applicants will be expected to complete a survey outlining how the funds were used and how they furthered the grantee’s research. Survey responses will be due in August of the year following the grant award. AHA financial support should be acknowledged in any publication resulting from this research.
For questions, please contact the Research Grant Administrator