"Who among us," asks Richard Murphy, Texas Tech University School of Law, over at Notice & Comment Blog, "does not occasionally enjoy a forgotten nineteenth-century Supreme Court decision adopting a super-powerful form of deference that leaves our dear friend Chevron in the dust?" The case in question is Peabody v. Stark, 83 U.S. 240 (1872).
The editors of State Crime invite papers for a special issue on State Crime and Colonialism The “special issue seeks to explore the relationships between state crime and colonialism. This includes the historical experiences of European colonialism and empire; settler colonialism and its ongoing impacts on Indigenous peoples; and the continuities of colonial violence." H/t: Legal Scholarship Blog
Stephen D. Solomonspoke yesterday at the Lewes (DL) Public Library on his book Revolutionary Dissent: How the Founding Generation Created the Freedom of Speech (St. Martin's Press, 2016).
ICYMI: A newly discovered parchment of the Declaration of Independence: did James Wilson had it inscribed? Also, from the Washington Post: "Grappling with its history of slavery, Georgetown gathers descendants for a day of repentance."
Wanted: Citizen Historians to transcribe legal historical manuscripts at the UVA Law Library.
Daniel Platt, Brown University, for receiving the OAH’s Louis Pelzer Memorial Award, given for the best essay in American history by a graduate student, for “Usury Reform and the Natures of Capital in the Progressive Era." H/t: SB.