Thursday, January 25, 2018

Judge Seeks Research Assistant To Help Write Memoir

Via H-Law we have the following intriguing announcement:
Seeking research assistant to help judge write memoir 
by Christian Burset 
I have been asked to post the following announcement: 
A judge in the Washington, DC area is looking for someone to assist him in writing his memoirs. The work would include helping to organize the judge’s papers and helping to structure his narrative. The assistant would likely begin by interviewing the judge, recording the interviews, and conducting independent research as needed to provide context. The work would be done in the evening or on weekends at the judge’s home.

The assistant should have experience or training in interviewing subjects of oral histories; some knowledge of law would be helpful. The assistant would be compensated by the hour. The first phase of the project would take at least five months, and possibly longer if the assistant is interested. The assistant should expect to work approximately 10 hours each week. 
If interested, please send a CV or résumé to Christian Burset (, who will forward it to the judge.