[We're moving this up, as the deadline is now just two weeks away.]
[We here at Legal History Blog are happy to facilitate the matching service envisioned in this message from our friends at the
American Society for Legal History, and we’ll be sure to post any comments we receive promptly. Those ISO another papergiver or commentator should also consider posting to
H-Law, which reaches scholars LHB may not.]

The deadline to submit panels and papers for the 2018 ASLH
Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas, is
March 1, 2018. As the
Call for Papers
notes, “Given the number and high quality of panel and other complete
sessions submitted, individual papers are much less likely than full
sessions to be accepted.” To help those of you with individual papers
find other like-minded presenters to organize panels, the comments to
this post are open. Feel free to post your paper topic and/or panel idea
below (and make sure to include an email address or other contact
information). And please feel free to spread the word (the conference
hashtag is #ASLH2018).