Revisiting the Critiques of Those Who Upheld the Fugitive Slave Acts in the 1840s and ‘50s
Peter Karsten
The Law Wars in Massachusetts, 1830-1860: How a Band of Upstart Radical Lawyers Defeated the Forces of Law and Order, and Struck a Blow for Freedom and Equality Under Law
Alexandra D Lahav; R Kent Newmyer
“O Amherst, Where is Thy Shame?”: Republican Opposition to Federalist Policies in a New England Town
Susan J Siggelakis; Nicholas Mignanelli
Judicial Intervention in Early Corporate Governance Disputes: Vice-Chancellor Shadwell’s Lost Judgment in Mozley v Alston (1847)
Victoria Barnes
Book Reviews
David Barker, A History of Australian Legal Education
Mark Lunney
Dante Fedele, Naissance de la diplomatie moderne (XIIIe-XVIIe siècles). L’ambassadeur au croisement du droit, de l’éthique et de la politique
Frederik Dhondt
Shaunnagh Dorsett, Juridical Encounters: Ma-ori and the Colonial Courts 1840 – 1852
Katherine Sanders
Guido Rossi, Insurance in Elizabethan England. The London Code
Dave De ruysscher
Mark Lunney, A History of Australian Tort Law 1901–1945: England’s Obedient Servant?
Henry Kha