The theme of the 2019 BHC annual meeting is "Globalization and De-Globalization: Shifts of Power and Wealth." We welcome proposals from students working within the conference theme, as well as any other thematic area of business history. Topics (see link for past examples) may range from the early modern era to the present, and explore societies across the globe. Participants work intensively with a distinguished group of BHC-affiliated scholars (including the incoming BHC president), discussing dissertation proposals, relevant literatures and research strategies, and career trajectories.
Applications are due by 15 November 2018 via email to amy.feistel@duke.edu and should include: a statement of interest; CV; preliminary or final dissertation prospectus (10-15 pages); and a letter of support from your dissertation supervisor (or prospective supervisor). All participants receive a stipend that partially defrays travel costs to the annual meeting. Applicants will receive notification of the selection committee’s decisions by the end of 2018.
This year’s faculty participants are:
Edward Balleisen (Director), Professor of History and Public Policy, Duke University
American Business, Legal, and Policy History
Ann Carlos, Professor of Economics, University of Colorado-Boulder
Early Modern Empires/Trade in North America
Paloma Fernandez-Perez, Professor of Economic and Business History, University of Barcelona Business School
Spanish and Latin American Business History
Takafumi Kurosawa, Professor of Economic Policy, Kyoto University
European and Japanese Business History
Kenda Mutongi, Professor of History, Williams College
African Business History
Questions about the colloquium should be sent to its director, Duke Professor of History Edward Balleisen, eballeis@duke.edu.