The Library of Congress recently announced the launch of the Foreign Law Web Archive, with a collection period commencing June 20, 2016.
Lots out this week for the the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, including this and this on South Asian soldiers' experiences in the trenches, Anya Jabour's Nursing Clio article on an American Red Cross nurse named Mary Curry, and our blogger Mitra Sharafi's piece on the longer history of poison as a weapon. From a few years ago, here is an NEH interview with Chad L. Williams on African-American soldiers in WWI.
Mark Leeming, University of Sydney Law School, has posted his review of Jonathan Rose’s Maintenance in Medieval England, which appears in the Cambridge Law Journal 77 (2018): 402-05. The review highlights the “free access to plea rolls provided by the Anglo-American Legal Tradition Archive,” about which those who attended the ASLH's Annual Luncheon from its creator Robert C. Palmer, Houston Law, in his remarks upon being named a Honorary Fellow.
Congratulations to Deborah Hamer (William & Mary History), for winning an honorable mention for Best Article from the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women. The article: “Marriage and the Construction of Colonial Order: Jurisdiction, Gender and Class in Seventeenth-century Dutch Batavia,” Gender & History 29, no. 3 (2017): 622-640.
Michael A. Livingston (Rutgers Law School) has posted The Other F-Word: Fascism, The “Rule of Law,” and the Trump Era, a review essay on several books “that have suggested parallels between 1930s-style fascism and present day politics, especially that of the Trump Administration,” including some of our summer reading (Timothy Snyder’s Road to Unfreedom and Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt’s How Democracies Die). His verdict: “these parallels are generally unconvincing.”
In the New York Times: an op-ed by Gregory Downs (UC Davis) and Kate Masur (Northwestern) on "How To Remember Reconstruction" (and why Congress should pass the Reconstruction Era National Historical Park Act).
Update: John Fabian Witt on "Lincoln's Code" via YaleNews.
Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.