A special issue of Modern Asian Studies came out in January 2019 on the theme of "Petitioning and Political Cultures in South Asia." Rohit De (Yale University) and Robert Travers (Cornell University) are co-editors. Here's the Table of Contents from MAS 53:1:
- Rohit De and Robert Travers, "Petitioning and Political Cultures in South Asia: Introduction"
- Abhishek Kaicker, "Petitions and Local Politics in the Late Mughal Empire: The view from Kol, 1741"
- Rosalind O'Hanlon, "In the Presence of Witnesses: Petitioning and judicial 'publics' in western India, circa 1600-1820"
- Robert Travers, "Indian Petitioning and Colonial State-Formation in Eighteenth-century Bengal"
- Bhavani Raman, "Civil Address and the Early Colonial Petition in Madras"
- Aparna Balachandran, "Petitions, the City, and the Early Colonial State in South India"
- Julia Stephens, "A Bureaucracy of Rejection: Petitioning and the impoverished paternalism of the British-Indian Raj"
- Prashant Kidambi, "The Petition as Event: Colonial Bombay, circa 1889-1914"
- Rohit De, "Cows and Constitutionalism"
- Nayanika Mathur, "A Petition to Kill: Efficacious arzees against big cats in India"
Further information is available here.