Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Columbia Law School Legal History Workshop 2023-24

From our colleagues at Columbia Law School, we have the lineup for their Legal History Workshop:

Sept. 27

Kate Redburn: The Equal Right to Discriminate: Religious Liberty, Free Speech, and the Long Road to 303 Creative v. Elenis

Commentator: Kim Phillips-Fein

Oct. 25

Melissa Teixeira: Inflation and Economic Citizenship in Brazil: An Economic History of Democratic Transition in the 1970s and 1980s

Commentator: Lev Menand

Nov. 29

Youssef ben Ismail: On Autonomy: Provincial Representation and Imperial Governance in the late Ottoman Empire

Commentator: Greg Mann

Feb. 28

Kevin Arlyck: The Nation at Sea: Federal Courts and American Sovereignty in the Age of Revolution

Commentator: Kellen Funk

Mar. 6

Gautham Rao: Title TBA

Commentator: Sarah Seo

Apr. 3

Tamika K. Nunley: "Its Mother Had a Hard Lot": Black Women, Reproduction, and Early Medical Jurisprudence

Commentator: TBA

All workshops will be held on Wednesdays, 4:20-6pm, at Fayerweather 411.

-- Karen Tani