Friday, December 8, 2023

International Customary Laws Database Project

We have received a request for participants for an international research project, International Customary Laws Database Project, coordinated by Sylvain Soleil, professor in legal history at the University of Rennes.  It aims to

(1) put on line the sets of customary laws published throughout the world; (2) conduct an epistemological and interdisciplinary reflection on the writing down of oral traditions; (3) understand why certain political authorities have refused to put their legal traditions in writing; [and] (4) bring together researchers from all over the world to address these two issues.
Participants will transmit the text of customary laws in word form with a short introductory note.  The text and note would then be “integrated into the website of the Société de Législation Comparée (2024 - 2025).”  In exchange, participants would receive official certification of their participation, have access to the international network of participants, and be invited to take part in two videoconferences, in 2024 and 2025.

--Dan Ernst