[We have the following announcement. DRE]
The Journal of Legal Education is the official scholarly journal of the [Association of American Law Schools] and in that role it has and continues to play an important role in chronicling the development of legal education in the United States. For a special symposium issue dedicated to analyzing that role, the editors invite submissions of articles that reflect on one or more articles published in the journal which at the time of publication discussed the future of United States legal education and then assess how the events in the years following the publication exhibited the arguments put forward by the authors. For example, publication of the McCrate and Carnegie reports inspired articles on the what the future should hold in light of those studies. How prescient were the authors of those articles? Other articles have discussed and assessed what at the time were new developments in pedagogy, scholarship, and the profession in general. Have those developments simply continued, flourished, or withered away?
The goal is to publish in JLE work honoring its history by presenting thoughtful assessments of the plans and predictions put forward in the past with the goal of helping think more rigorously about our own future. The entire run of JLE is available on HeinOnline and from the mid-1980s on Westlaw. Both platforms, of course, have search functions, and Hein provides a complete view of each issue.
Proposals for individual responses or collections of shorter responses all responding to the same article with an abstract of the work are due March 24, 2025 to the New York Law School editorial team at JLE-CFP@law.nyls.edu. Contributors will be notified promptly with the expectation that final drafts of articles will be due July 15, 2025.