Ali Ozdogan, American University, has posted an abstract in English and Turkish on SSRN, about a book manuscript, On Wiretapping! (Teknik Dinlemeye Dair!). The Turkish version is available on-line. For the English version, the author can be reached here.
ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This book has two parts. The first part covers the historical evolution of the American wiretapping legislation, summary of the American Wiretapping Criminal Procedure, the summary of Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (CALEA), and the privacy and property right problems in the CALEA and the corresponding suggestions. The second part of the book covers analytical summary and comparative analyses of legal positions of wiretapping in Britain, Canada, Germany, France, Israel, and Turkey. (Note that the manuscript is currently in Turkish. For the English version of the manuscript, please contact to author.
ABSTRACT IN TURKISH: Kitap iki bolumden olusmaktadir. Ilk bolumde, Amerikan teknik dinleme mevzuatinin hukuki gelisimi, Amerikan Teknik dinleme ceza usulunun ozeti, Iletisim Sirketlerinin Kolluk Kuvvetlerine Yardimi Kanununun (CALEA) ozetini, CALEA ile ilgili mulkiyet ve ozel hayatina iliskin sorunlar ve cozuum onerileri bulunmaktadir. Ikinci bolumde Ingiliz, Kanada, Alman, Fransiz, Israil ve Turk hukuk sistemlerinde, teknik dinlemenin anayasal ve ceza usul hukuku acisindan yeri, analitik olarak ozetlenmekte ve mukayeseli analizi yapilmaktadir.