Many thanks to Dan Ernst for a great month of guest blogging!
The Legal History Blog welcomes Elizabeth Hillman, Hastings Law School, who will be guest blogging during July. Beth is the author of Defending America: Military Cu
lture and the Cold War Court-Martial (Princeton University Press, 2005). Eugene R. Fidell, President, National Institute of Military Justice, said of the book: "With Defending America, Elizabeth Hillman confirms her place as one of the preeminent military law and history scholars of her generation."

Hillman is also co-author of Military Justice: Cases and Materials (with Eugene R. Fidell and Dwight H. Sullivan, LexisNexis, 2007). Other recent work includes "The Female Shape of the All-Volunteer Force" in Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam, Or, How Not to Learn from the Past (2007); "Guarding Women: Abu Ghraib and Military Sexual Culture" in One of the Guys: Women as Aggressors and Torturers (2007); and Gentlemen Under Fire: The U.S. Military and "Conduct Unbecoming," 26 Law & Inequality (2008). She is now studying the law and politics of strategic bombing and the sourge of military sexual violence. Hillman's lecture, The Bomber Generals and the New Laws of War: Terror, Romance, and American Air Power, can be viewed here.
Hillman was on the faculty of Rutgers University School of Law, Camden before moving this year to Hastings. Before turning to law and legal history, Hillman served as a space operations officer and orbital analyst in Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base, Colorado Springs. She served on the faculty of the U.S. Air Force Academy, where she taught military history, world history, and American history before earning a JD and Ph.D. in History at Yale. She is a board member of the National Institute for Military Justice and an elected member of the American Law Institute.