A candidate for this position must be at least ABD in American History, U.S. Legal History, Constitutional Studies, Political Science, or related field. Candidates with a JD who are completing an LLM or SJD will also be considered. Preference will be given to those with experience researching and writing on constitutional topics, particularly those of the early Republic. Documentary editing experience is a plus. Work and good relationships in the archival, library, documentary editing, and historical and political science communities will be given priority. The fellow will work in tandem with the director of the University of Pennsylvania's Schoenberg Centre for Electronic Text and Image. The Executive Director of The Constitutional Sources Project will coordinate the supervision and direction of the fellow's work with the Director of SCETI. Please send cover letter, CV, 10 page writing sample, and references to dmcknigh@pobox.upenn.edu. Applications must be received by February 13, 2008. [sic: surely, 2009]
The Constitutional Sources Project Fellow will be responsible for interfacing and collaborating with The Constitutional Sources Project Academic Advisory Board (comprised of constitutional scholars from around the nation) to identify, pursue, and organize future content for collections such as the Constitutional Convention Delegates Library of 1787 at the Library Company of Philadelphia.
Compensation and Benefits: $13,500 for 900 hours (or $15/hr) to be completed between April 13 and December 31, 2009. For more information:
David McKnight
Director Rare Book and Manuscript Library and Schoenberg Center For
Electronic Text & Image (SCETI)
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. 215 746-5829
F. 215 573-9079
e. dmcknigh@pobox.upenn.edu
Hat Tip: H-Law