March 8 Betsy Mendelsohn, University of Maryland Department of History
From Nature to Environment: The Rise of Science in U.S. Environmental Law
March 15 Mitra Sharafi, University of Wisconsin Law School
Minority Legal Consciousness & Culture: the Zoroastrians of Colonial India
March 22 Devin Pendas, Boston College History Department
Transitional Justice or Just Transitions? Germany, 1945-1955
April 12 Omri Paz, Tel Aviv University School of History
Who Killed Bağçevan Panayot: The Use of Illegal Torture and the Rule of Evidence in Mid-Nineteenth Century Anatolia
May 3 Jose Brunner, Minverva Inst. for German History & Faculty of Law, TAU
"Could Such a Deed Have Happened to Gentile Women As Well?" - Treatment of Victims of National-Socialist Sexual Violence in Israeli Case Law (Hebrew, with Lydia Rabinowitz)
May 17 Noga Morag-Levine, Michigan State University College of Law
Fatigue, Efficiency and the Burden of Proof: Revisiting the Brandeis Brief
May 24 Doreen Lustig, New York University School of Law
The Unusual Suspects - American Attitudes to Business Responsibility in International Law: the Story of the Industrialists Cases at Nuremberg
May 31 Angela Fernandez, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
The Hunt for the Fox, Pierson v. Post, A Case in Context
June 7 Lawrence Friedman, Stanford Law School
Privacy and Human Rights