Constructing Penal Modernity: A Comparative View of Twentieth-Century Prison SystemsMore information on registration, programming, and accommodations, is here. Register by December 22 to get the "early bird" rate.
The State of Abolition Studies: From the Sacred to the Secular?
Religious Legal Institutions and Economic Performance in Comparative Jewish-Muslim Perspective
Same-Sex Marriage in Historical and Transnational Perspective
The Borders of Immigration History: Citizenship and Politics from the Local to the Global
Captivity, Conversion, and Islamic Law in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire
On the Fringes of Freedom: Reconsidering Slavery and Forced Servitude in the Greater Caribbean and Mexico
Human Rights and Humanitarianism, 1870s to 1970s
The Trials of Translation: Early Modern Interpreters, Courts, and Empires
Law and Violence on the British Indian Frontier: Colonialism and Exceptional Jurisdiction
Law and Order in Early Modern East Asia
Shaping Future Citizens: State Interventions in Maternal and Child Health, Culture, and Society across Twentieth-Century Latin America and the Caribbean
Catholicism, Schism, Urban Politics, and the Law: Recent Research in Polish American History
Crime and Punishment in Liberal and Fascist Italy
Fathers of Feminism? Transatlantic Perspectives on Men’s Engagement with Women’s Rights
P.S. Contact us if you plan to attend and would like to report on a legal history panel!
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