The Legal History Blog welcomes
Jed Shugerman, Harvard Law School, who will be guest blogging during the month of April. Jed’s first book,
The People’s Courts: Pursuing Judicial Independence in America, was published by Harvard University Press in February 2012. The book was based on Jed’s dissertation, which was awarded the
American Society for Legal History's 2009 Cromwell Prize for best dissertation or article in American legal history.

Jed has received
many other “best” prizes, beginning with the Joseph Parker Prize jointly awarded for the best paper in legal history at Yale Law School in 2000. He teaches Torts, Legal History Workshop, and Law and Democracy at Harvard. Jed’s current work-in-progress is “The Department of Justice‟s Founding and the Failure of Civil Service Reform, 1865-1870”.
posted about The People’s Courts, and Jed’s related 2010 Harvard Law Review article, "
Economic Crisis and the Rise of Judicial Elections and Judicial Review," is accessible on-line. You can find
more from him at Slate (on the Affordable Care Act).
Welcome to Jed!