Thanks to an alert reader, we have word of the following
Call for Papers from the
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec.
Conference – 1774 : l’Acte de Québec – Contextes transnationaux, interprétations et héritages
A scandal for some, a pragmatic solution for others, the Québec
Act of 1774 has been interpreted quite differently by the Americans,
Canadians, Amerindians and British. In order to take these diverse
points of view into consideration and clarify their contexts, the
Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and the Groupe d’histoire de l'Atlantique français, in partnership with Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, are organizing a conference where various historical approaches will intersect.
This conference on the Quebec Act, its transnational contexts,
interpretations and heritage will take place October 3-5, at the
Auditorium of the Grande Bibliothèque.
More information is available