A link directed us to the January 2014 issue, which has articles of interest to legal historians:
Roger R. Trask Lecture: A Search for Historical Understanding
Pete Daniel
The First Attempt at Federalizing Tort Law and Why It Failed
Ian J. Drake
From “Air Conditioning” Youth to STEM: The FAA and Aviation Education, 1935–2007
Theresa L. Kraus
Evil, Greed, Treachery, Deception, and Fraud: The World of Lobbying According to Senator Hugo Black
Jamie C. Euken
“This ‘Who Shot John Thing’”: Disaster Relief as an Entitlement in the 20th Century
Natalie Schuster
Serenading the President: John Adams, the XYZ Affair, and the 18th-Century American Presidency
Christopher J. Young
Interpretation and Technology: Going Mobile: Changing the Face of Interpretation in the National Park Service
Brett Oppegaard and Gregory P. Shine