For the 2014-2015 academic year, Professor Mary Sarah Bilder, Professor Daniel R. Coquillette, Professor Frank Herrmann and Professor James S. Rogers are conveners.
With the exception of the Constitution Day lecture (see below), the Roundtable meets in the afternoon at 4:30 in the Library Conference Room of the Boston College Law School Library. Refreshments are available beginning at 4:15 pm.
Papers will be available on the website shortly before each presentation. For more information, please contact Judy Yi by calling the administrative assistants' office at (617) 552-4125 or emailing judy.yi@bc.edu.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014: John Fabian Witt, Allen H. Duffy Class of 1960 Professor of Law, Yale Law School
"Two Humanitarianisms" (3:30, Room 120, public lecture), co-sponsored with BC Law School Legal History Roundtable and the BC Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy
Wednesday, October 22, 2014: Daniel J. Sharfstein, Professor of Law, Co-director, Social Justice Program, Vanderbilt Law School
"The Administrative State in the Wilderness: Chief Joseph's Advocacy for Nez Perce Tribal Land, 1872-1875"
Tuesday Nov 11, 2014: Stewart Jay, Pendleton Miller Endowed Chair of Law, University of Washington School of Law
"Original Error: The Lasting Consequences of Early Judicial Misinterpretations of the Privileges and Immunities Clause"
Thursday January 22, 2015: Elizabeth Papp Kamali
"Mens Rea and the Meaning of Felony in Medieval England"
Wednesday March 25, 2015: Tomiko Brown-Nagin, Daniel P.S. Paul Professor of Constitutional Law, Harvard Law School; Professor of History, Harvard Graduate School of Arts & Sciences; Co-Director, Program in Law and History
"Constance Baker Motley: Race and Gender at Work"