The New Ancient Legal History gathers essays by some of the most interesting scholars in emergent areas of study in premodern law. Ancient legal systems are now attracting sophisticated study from a rising generation of interdisciplinary scholars. Their approaches are as varied as the material under study, but they share a critical engagement with the resources of contemporary legal scholarship and due regard for the evidentiary regimes that obtain in their separate fields.
The Varieties of Ancient Legal History Today
Clifford Ando
When Law Goes off the Rails: or, Aggadah Among the iurisprudentes
Ari Z. Bryen
Means and End(ing)s: Nomos Versus Narrative in Early Rabbinic Exegesis
Natalie B. Dohrmann
Law, Empire, and the Making of Roman Estates in the Provinces During the Late Republic
Lisa Pilar Eberle
Calculating Crime and Punishment: Unofficial Law Enforcement, Quantification, and Legitimacy in Early Imperial China
Maxim Korolkov
The State of Blame: Politics, Competition, and the Courts in Democratic Athens
Susan Lape
Jewish Law and Litigation in the Secular Courts of the Late Medieval Mediterranean
Rena N. Lauer
The Servitude of the Flesh from the Twelfth to the Fourteenth Century
Marta Madero
Consent in Roman Choice of Law
William P. Sullivan

Exceptional and Universal? Religious Freedom in American International Law
Peter G. Danchin
Religious Liberty and American Power
Saba Mahmood
America, Christianity, and Beyond
Samuel Moyn
Saving Faith
Anna Su