Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A Retrospective on the Work of Hendrik Hartog

[We have the following announcement.]

“Relationships in/of Law and History: Retrospective on the Work of Hendrik Hartog.”  Hosted by the IDC Law and Humanities Workshop and the University of Haifa Faculty of Law.  Friday, May 26, 2017, 09:00-13:30.  IDC Herzliya Campus, Kanfei Nesharim Street, Herzliya.  Room SL302, Radzyner-Sustainability Building

For over three decades, Hendrik Hartog has been among the most influential writers in the fields of legal history, law and society, and the cultural study of law. In this symposium, we explore the contributions of Hartog's work to interdisciplinary legal scholarship in a set of discussions structured around four of his seminal texts: Pigs and Positivism (1985), The Constitution of Aspiration (1987), Man and Wife in America (2000), and Someday All This Will be Yours (2012), and his forthcoming book, The Trouble with Minna: Care, Slavery and Emancipation in New Jersey. Discussants will consider the significance of Hartog's scholarship in relation to a range of themes of contemporary interest in legal and historical scholarship. Special emphasis will be given to law's role in constituting and governing social relations, among them parenting, marriage, and slavery, and to methodological questions concerning the relationship between the study of law, social history and cultural studies.

08:40 Gathering

09:00 Welcome: Prof. Amnon Lehavi, Dean, Radzyner Law School, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC)

09:05-10:35 Chair and Opening Remarks: Justice Prof. Daphne Barak-Erez (Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel)

Prof. Roy Kreitner (Tel-Aviv University, Law)
Pigs and Positivism: Between Jurisprudence and Politics

Dr. Ely Aaronson and Dr. Arianne Renan Barzilay (University of Haifa, Law)
Rights-Consciousness as an Object of Historical Inquiry: Revisiting The Constitution of Aspiration

10:35 - 10:45 – Coffee & refreshments

Chair: Dr. Alexander (Sandy) Kedar (University of Haifa, Law)

Dr. Galia Schneebaum (IDC Herzliya, Law)
Marital Consciousness and the Criminalization of Spousal Abuse: Man and Wife in America

Dr. Shelly Kreiczer-Levy (College of Law and Business, Ramat-Gan, Law)
Parents and Adult Children: The Elusive Boundaries of the Family, following Someday All This Will Be Yours

12:15-12:30 – Coffee & refreshments

12:30 – 13:30 

Chair: Prof. Milette Shamir (Tel-Aviv University, English & American Studies)

Discussion: Dr. Eli Cook (University of Haifa, History) & Dr. Anat Rosenberg (IDC Herzliya, Law):
Slavery, Contract and Capitalism: The Trouble with Minna

Concluding Remarks
Prof. Hendrik Hartog (Princeton University, History)