Monday, May 8, 2017

Scalia Retrospective in British Journal of American Legal Studies

The British Journal of American Legal Studies has just published a special issue in memory of Justice Antonin Scalia (1936-2016). Here's the TOC:
Jess Bravin

Justices as “Sacred Symbols”: Antonin Scalia and the Cultural Life of the Law
Brian Christopher Jones & Austin Sarat

One of My Favorite Judges: Constitutional Interpretation, Democracy and Antonin Scalia
James Allan

Justice Scalia: Tenured Fox in the Democratic Hen-House?
Jane Marriott

The Sexual Orientation Cases
Ian Loveland

Scalia’s Legacy: Originalism and Change in the Law of Standing
James E. Pfander

Missed Opportunities, Good Intentions: The Takings Decisions of Justice Antonin Scalia
Richard A. Epstein

Postscript: Textualism and Judicial Authority
Jeremy Waldron