Rohit De | Yale University (History)
Tuesday, September 26, SLB 122
Defending Kenyatta: Decolonization, Mobility, and a Global History of Rebellious Lawyering
Li Chen | University of Toronto (History)
Tuesday, October 10
The Security Regime and Emergency Governance of Colonial Empires in Late Qing China
Mira Siegelberg | Queen Mary University of London (History and Law)
Tuesday, November 14
The Fate of Non State Legal Order in the Twentieth Century: On Intellectual History and International Legal History
Mitra Sharafi | University of Wisconsin Law School
Tuesday, December 5
Forensic Experts and Corruption in Colonial India: Graphology as a Suspect Science
Erika Hermanowicz | University of Georgia (Classics)
Thursday, February 22, 5:00pm-6:30pm, HGS 211, co-sponsored by Archaia and the Departments of Classics, Religious Studies
The Roman Legal Understanding of Church Property in Late Antiquity
Walter Scheidel | Stanford (Classics and History)
Tuesday, February 27, co-sponsored by the Law, Economics & Organization Workshop
Escape from Rome: The Failure of Empire and the Making of the Modern World
Cynthia Nicoletti | University of Virginia School of Law
Tuesday, March 20
Emancipation and Its Challengers in the South Carolina Sea Islands
Matthew Sommer | Stanford University (History)
Tuesday, April 17
Gender Passing and Official Panic in Qing Dynasty China
For more information, please contact Katharina Schmidt (katharina.i..schmidt@yale.edu) or José Argueta Funes (jose.arguetafunes@yale.edu).