Lynn Hunt's History: Why it Matters is reviewed at the Los Angeles Review of Books. Also reviewed on the site is R. Marie Griffith's Moral Combat: How Sex Divided American Christians and Fractured American Politics and Adam Laats' Fundamentalist U: Keeping the Faith in American Higher Education. Carrie Tirado Bramen's American Niceness: A Cultural History is also reviewed at LARB.
At Marginalia is a review of Daniel G. Konig's Arabic-Islamic Views of the Latin West: Tracing the Emergence of Medieval Europe.
The Internationalists: How a Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World by Oona Hathaway and Scott Shapiro is reviewed in the London Review of Books.
Switching Sides: How a Generation of Historians Lost Sympathy for the Victims of the Salem Witch Hunt by Tony Fels is reviewed at HNN. Also reviewed at HNN is Rescue Board: The Untold Story of America’s Efforts To Save The Jews of Europe.
In the New Republic is a review of Quinn Slobodian's Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism. Diane Atkinson's Rise Up Women!: The Remarkable Lives of the Suffragettes is also reviewed at the site.
Kathleen Belew's Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America is reviewed at NPR.

The Promise and the Dream: The Untold Story of Martin Luther King, Jr. And Robert F. Kennedy is also reviewed in The Nation and The New York Times.
In the Nation is a review of David Cannadine's Victorious Century: The United Kingdom, 1800-1906.
At the New Books Network, Keisha N. Blain discusses her Set the World on Fire: Black Nationalist Women and the Global Struggle for Freedom, Aidan Forth speaks about his Barbed-Wire Imperialism: Britain's Empire of Camps, 1876-1903, Lisa Ze talks about her The Mulatta Concubine: Terror, Intimacy, Freedom, and Desire in the Black Transatlantic, and Pablo Piccato discusses his A History of Infamy: Crime, Truth, and Justice in Mexico.