- On
Wednesday, April 11, at 2 pm, Richard Breitman, coauthor of FDR and the Jews, will deliver the
inaugural Holocaust Remembrance Day Morgenthau Lecture at the Henry A.
Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential Library and Home. His topic is The United States Government's Reaction to Kristallnacht.
- Among the upcoming public events-of-interest at Princeton University are SNCC to BLM: Robert Moses Discusses the Evolution of Racial Justice Organizing in the U.S., in conversation with Keeanga Yamahtta Taylor, Princeton University in 101 McCormick Hall, on April 8, at 4:00 p.m., and, on April 9, at 4:30 pm, Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech, by Keith E. Whittington, Princeton University, with a response from Nicholas Rosenkranz, Georgetown University Law Center, in 222 Bowen Hall.
Belmont County Court House (wiki) |
- Last Wednesday, interested residents of St. Clairsville, Ohio, gathered at St. Mary’s Catholic Church to hear Belmont County Court of Common Pleas Judge Frank Fregiato and lawyer Daniel Frizzi Jr. discuss “historic Belmont County court cases.” More.
- Department of Unidentified Identifiers: The Providence Journal editorializes about those Rhode Island court records, spotted on auction by "an alert legal history researcher at the University of Pennsylvania." And the sitter for that nineteenth-century portrait of a Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court justice has been identified, thanks in part to “a PhD candidate at the University of Michigan” who had “written his thesis at Columbia” on the judge in question. (H/t: Joanna Grisinger.)
- Over at the website of Studies in Legal History, Edward Kolla, Georgetown University Qatar, “delves into the history of the idea of popular sovereignty, its roots in the French Revolution, and its relevance to territorial claims in more modern times,” in conjunction with the publication of his Sovereignty, International Law, and the French Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
- The latest newsletter of the Historical Society of the DC Circuit is out.
Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.