Thursday, August 23, 2018

Applicants Sought for Two ABF Positions

Our friends at the American Bar Foundation write that the ABF is seeking applicants for two positions.  The first is Research Professor:

Pending budgetary approval, the American Bar Foundation (ABF) invites applications to join its Residential Faculty as a Research Professor, beginning in the 2019-2020 academic year.  We seek earlier-stage candidates with a PhD and/or JD with the potential for exemplary empirical scholarship in law and the social sciences. Research area, discipline, and methodology are open. The ABF is strongly committed to diversity in hiring.  [More.]
The second is the 2019-2020 Neukom Fellows Research Chair in Diversity and Law:
The American Bar Foundation (ABF) invites applications for its William H. Neukom Fellows Research Chair in Diversity and Law for the 2019-2020 academic year. This is a visiting position for a year, though there may be flexibility regarding time and start dates. The ABF anticipates that the Neukom Chair will become a long-term position in the future.

We seek an outstanding scholar with a distinguished record of scholarship in law and the social sciences who is conducting empirical research on diversity and law, broadly conceived. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, diversity in the legal profession and other institutions of justice; the impact of diversity on legal processes, legal institutions, and public policy; the roles of race, gender, disability, and sexuality in legal institutions and legal processes; and the interaction between legal processes and inequalities of race, gender, disability, and sexuality. Applicants from all social science fields, history and law will be considered.  [More.]