Heikki Pihlajamäki (University of Helsinki), Albrecht Cordes (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main),Serge Dauchy (CNRS Lille-France, University of Saint-Louis in Brussels), and Dave De ruysscher (Tilburg University, Vrije Universiteit Brussels) have co-edited Understanding the Sources of Early Modern and Modern Commercial Law published by Brill. From the press:
Contents after the break:The contributions of Understanding the Sources of Early Modern and Modern Commercial Law: Courts, Statutes, Contracts, and Legal Scholarship show the wealth of sources which historians of commercial law use to approach their subject. Depending on the subject, historical research on mercantile law must be ready to open up to different approaches and sources in a truly imaginative and interdisciplinary way. This, more than many other branches of law, has always been largely non-state law. Normative, "official," sources are important in commercial law as well, but other sources are often needed to complement them. The articles of the volume present an excellent assemblage of those sources.
1 Introduction
Heikki Pihlajamäki,
Albrecht Cordes, Serge Dauchy and Dave De ruysscher
2 Mercantile Conflict
Resolution in Practice: Connecting Legal and Diplomatic Sources from Danzig c.
3 Justitia in
Commerciis: Public Governance and Commercial Litigation before the Great
Council of Mechlin in the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century
Alain Wijffels
4 Honore et utile: The
Approaches and Practice of Sixteenth-century Genoese Merchant Custom
Ricardo Galliano
5 The Abandonment to
the Insurers in Sixteenth-century Insurance Practice: Comparative Remarks and
(A Few) Methodological Notes
Guido Rossi
6 Historiographical
Opportunities of Notarized Partnership Agreements Recorded in the Early Modern
Low Countries
Bram Van Hofstraeten
7 How Normative were
Merchant Guidebooks? Of Customs, Practices, and … Good Advice (Antwerp,
Sixteenth Century)
Dave De ruysscher
8 Sources of Commercial
Law in the Dutch Republic and Kingdom
Boudewijn Sirks
9 The Files and
Exhibits of the Imperial Chamber Court and Aulic Council as Sources of
Commercial Law
Anja Amend-Traut
10 Legal,
Moral-Theological, and Genuinely Economic Opinions on Questions of Trade and
Economy in Fifteenth- and Early Sixteenth-century Germany
Eberhard Isenmann
11 The Birth of
Commercial Law in Early Modern Sweden: Sources and Historiography
Heikki Pihlajamäki
12 Svea Court of Appeal
Records as a Source of Commercial Law: The Founding Year of 1614
Mia Korpiola
13 Tracing the
Speculation Bubble of 1799 in Newspapers, Court Records, and Other Sources
Margrit Schulte
14 The Rise of Usages
in French Commercial Law and Jurisprudence (Seventeenth-Nineteenth Centuries):
Some Examples
Edouard Richard
15 On the Origins of
the French Commercial Code: Vicissitudes of the Gorneau Draft
Olivier Descamps
16 Court Records as
Sources for the History of Commercial Law: The Oberappellationsgericht Lübeck
as a Commercial Court (1820–1879)
Peter Oestmann
Further information is available here.