Saturday, September 28, 2019

Weekend Roundup

  • David Sugarman, professor emeritus at the law school at Lancaster University, has posted a truly lovely appreciation of the law W. Wesley Pue (1954-2019) that appeared in the Newsletter of the Research Committee of the Sociology of Law.
  • Joanna Grisinger (Northwestern), Kimberly Welch (Vanderbilt), Logan Sawyer (Georgia), and Kathryn Schumaker (Oklahoma), the co-organizers of the Law and History Collaborative Research Network of the Law and Society Association, have posted a call for legal history panels for LSA’s annual meeting in Denver, Colorado, May 28-31, 2020.  They also seek volunteers to join their ranks as co-organizers.
  • In other news: A descendant of a Virginia slaveholders sues a professor et al. for saying as much, apparently on the theory that in noting this and his opposition to the removal of Charlottesville’s statue of Robert E. Lee, the defendants claimed he was “a racist and an opponent of people of color” (Roanoke Times). Meanwhile, at Chapel Hill, UNC professors bring the history of Jim Crow to the present.
  • CNN's "Black in America" series recently featured Martha Jones (Johns Hopkins), author of Birthright Citizens. Video here.
Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.