Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Historians' Brief in Trump v. United States

Brief of Amici Curiae Scholars of the Founding Era in Support of Respondent”is out in Trump v. United States (U.S. No. 23-939).  Part 1 argues that “Petitioner’s Immunity Claim Contravenes Overwhelming Historical Evidence of a Founding Generation Concerned with Abuse of Executive Power.”  The signatories are Holly Brewer, Rosemarie Zagarri, Jack N. Rakove, Jonathan Gienapp, Jane Manners, Gautham Rao, Saul Cornell, Alexander Keyssar, Jane E. Calvert, Joanne Freeman, David Konig, Jill Lepore, Peter S. Onuf, Michael A. Ross, and Alan Taylor.

--Dan Ernst