Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Ohanian on the Cardozo-[Cuthbert] Pound Correspondence

Edward J. Ohanian, Assistant Deputy Clerk at the New York State Court of Appeals, has posted Letters from Cardozo to Pound, in the Albany Law Review.  From the introduction:

Benjamin N. Cardozo (NYPL)
Judges Benjamin N. Cardozo and Cuthbert W. Pound are towering figures in the landscape of New York jurisprudence. A descendent of Pound donated to the New York State Court of Appeals (the Court) correspondence from Cardozo to Pound spanning the period from 1932-1934 when Cardozo sat on the United States Supreme Court (the Supreme Court), and Pound served as Chief Judge of the Court—having been appointed by Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt to succeed Cardozo in that role upon Cardozo's appointment to the nation's high court. These missives, penned in an endearing and witty style characteristic of Cardozo's private correspondence, shed light on both Cardozo's sentiments upon leaving the Court to assume his new role in Washington—along with his well-documented preference for Eagle Street—and the enduring friendship and mutual admiration between Cardozo and Pound.

--Dan Ernst.  M/t: JQB