Pravda called the RAND Corporation the "academy of science and death," and "it's not hard to understand why the conspiracy theories developed," after reading Alex Abella's new book, The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire, writes Joshua Kucera in the San Francisco Chronicle. Rand gave the author "unprecedented access to it
s archives, and sure enough, Rand played a central role in some of the most secret, high-stakes military strategy during the height of the Cold War."

Andrew Ward's The Slaves' War: The Civil War in the Words of Former Slaves is an "innovative and powerful new study of the Civil War," writes Adam Kirsch in the New York Sun. "By combing through thousands of slave narratives and autobiographies — above all, the series of interviews with former slaves conducted by the Federal Writers' Project in the 1930s — Mr. Ward has cobbled together a fractured, incomplete, but fascinating account of the way the slaves understood the history they lived through."