Over the last 100 years, the [National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)] has greatly assisted African Americans and other oppressed groups in their struggles for civil rights, equal treatment, and social justice. Scholars in numerous disciplines have investigated the ways in which the NAACP has worked to end lynching and mob violence and to eliminate legal segregation and the various forms of discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and education. Many recent studies have focused on the role of the NAACP in the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision and its activities on the global stage.
This Special Issue of The Journal of African American History seeks scholarly essays documenting the NAACP’s legacy at the local, state, national, and international levels. Essays focusing on the history, achievements, and impact of the organization on the social, economic, and political conditions for women and various ethnic minority groups are particularly welcome.
[Possible topics include:] (1) litigation on race, class, and/or gender issues; (2) voting and civil rights mobilization by NAACP branches; (3) relations between branch officers and the NAACP national leaders; (4) ideological conflicts among NAACP leaders; (5) biographical portraits of major NAACP local and national figures; and (6) the NAACP’s responses to Pan-Africanism, the Cold War and U.S. anti-communism, globalization, reparations, and other international issues.
Essays should be no more than 35 typed, double-spaced pages (12 pt. font), including endnotes. The JAAH uses the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition (Chicago, 2003) for citations. Guidelines for the manuscript submission are available in the Journal of African American History and on the JAAH website.
Submitted essays will be peer reviewed. Your cover letter should include the title of your essay, name, postal address, email address, phone number, and fax number. Your essay should begin with the title of the essay and should NOT include your name.
Please send three (3) hard copies of your manuscript to:
Prof. V. P. Franklin, Editor
The Journal of African American History
University of California, Riverside
Graduate School of Education
1207 Sproul Hal
900 University Avenue
Riverside, CA 92521
Email: vpf1019@aol.com; or jaah@jaah.org
[To paraphrase Harry Shearer: A tip of the LHB chapeau to Jay Stewart for passing along this announcement.]