Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sarkin compares Reconciliation in East Timor, South Africa, and Rwanda
Jeremy J. Sarkin, Hofstra, traces the late-20th/early 21st century history of conflict resolution in Reconciliation in Divided Societies: Comparing the Approaches in Timor-Leste, South Africa and Rwanda. The paper will appear in the Yale Journal of International Affairs (2008). Here's the abstract: This article traces the surge in interest regarding reconciliation as a transitional justice mechanism in recent decades, including the policy motivations behind this interest. It then trains a critical eye upon the most popular reconciliation instruments, including truth commissions, in part by examining the efforts of South Africa, Rwanda, and East Timor. This comparative analysis reveals that, while the goals of reconciliation programs are indeed laudable, the specific policies and instrumentalities by which these goals are achieved remains case specific. Post-conflict states should thus refrain from adopting truth commission templates and instead critically examine their own circumstances-such as history and economic outlook-before embarking upon a particular reconciliation scheme.