The conference hotel is The Fairmont Dallas. You can register with conference rates here. Alternative, less expensive accommodations are here. A great guide to Dallas, with everything from transportation and dining options to a short history of Dallas, is here.
For preparing this intellectual feast for the rest of us, we have to thank this year's Program Committee:
Stuart Banner, Co-Chair, University of California, Los Angeles
Victoria List, Co-Chair, Washington & Jefferson College
Kif Augustine-Adams, Brigham Young University
Daniel Ernst, Georgetown University
Daniel Hamilton, University of Illinois
Adriaan Lanni, Harvard University
Kenneth F. Ledford, Case Western Reserve University
Tahirah Lee, Florida State University
Janet Loengard, Moravian University
Mitra Sharafi, University of Wisconsin
Peter Winship, Southern Methodist University
Many thanks as well to the Local Arrangements Committee for the helpful advance info and all the rest of the hard work they will be putting in between now and November!
Joshua Tate, Co-Chair, Southern Methodist University
Josiah Daniel, Co-Chair, Vinson & Elkins
Elisabeth Cawthon, University of Texas at Arlington
Jason Gillmer, Texas Wesleyan University
Joseph McKnight, Southern Methodist University
Peter Winship, Southern Methodist University
Rebekah Bell, Southern Methodist University