"Genealogies: Excavating Legal Modernity"
September 11-13, 2009
Leicester, UK
Keynote Speaker: Marcela Iacub (EHESS/CNRS).
Plenary Panellists: Peter Fitzpatrick (Birkbeck), Colin Gordon (Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust) and Véronique Voruz (Leicester).
Final Call for Papers
The Critical Legal Conference 2009 will be held in Leicester, UK. The main theme of the conference, "Genealogies: Excavating Legal Modernity", seeks to assess and review the significance of the work of Michel Foucault for the study of law, especially in light of the ongoing publication of his lectures at the Collège de France.
Proposed papers may address (1) the main theme of the conference, (2) an individual stream theme (see below), or (3) a theme otherwise significant in relation to critical legal scholarship. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL DEADLINES FOR PAPER PROPOSALS HAVE BEEN EXTENDED TO FRIDAY, 28 AUGUST 2009.
(1) Proposals for papers addressing the main theme of the conference "Genealogies: Excavating Legal Modernity" should be sent by email directly to the conference organisers (clc2009@le.ac.uk) no later than Friday, 28 August 2009. Potential presenters are invited to interpret the main theme in the broadest possible sense.
(2) Individual paper proposals for streams should be sent directly to stream coordinators no later than Friday, 28 August 2009. The streams are:
* Revolutions in Natural Law
* Critical Property Theory: The Powers of Property
* Labour, Work and Equality
* Tragic Jurisprudence
* Laws of Empire
* Virtual Worlds, Virtual Law?
* Mapping the Terrain of WTO Law
* Genealogy of Human Rights from a Third-World Perspective
* Subject and Law between Immanence and Transcendence
(3) Proposals addressing a theme otherwise significant in relation to critical legal scholarship should be sent by email directly to the conference organisers (clc2009@le.ac.uk) no later than Friday, 28 August 2009.
The organisers are also pleased to offer five bursaries/fee waivers to research students presenting papers at the conference offered on a competitive basis and made available with the generous sponsorship of Social & Legal Studies: An International Journal.
Further information on the themes, how to submit proposals including abstracts, how to register, research student bursaries, travel and accommodation is available on the conference website. Please also note that an additional late registration fee of £45 applies to registrations completed after 1 August 2009.