Book Review Editor
Nominations Due: Friday, July 10, 2009
Email nominations to: boyle014@umn.edu
The Law & Society Association is seeking nominations for a new Book Review Editor for the Law & Society Review. The new editor will begin as soon as possible, completing the last two issues of the upcoming (2010) volume (44:3 and 44:4), and an additional three volumes (45 to 47; years 2010-2012).
Ideally, the LSA Book Review Editor will have a keen eye for significant law and society work, an appreciation of the theoretical and methodological breadth of law and society scholarship, a willingness to tap into networks of conscientious folks who would write interesting reviews from a variety of perspectives, a creative approach to conceptualizing and generating reviews, the ability to meet deadlines, and the interest in and availability to devote time to this important task.
If these characteristics describe you or one of your colleagues, please consider applying or making a nomination. The committee will contact nominees directly to make sure that they are willing to serve. The position is open to all members of LSA. Names received by Friday, July 10 will receive full consideration by the Nominations Committee. Nominations should include the following information:
Candidate's name and contact information
Present professional position
A statement of the candidate's qualifications for the position
Optional: any other information in support of the nomination, for example, a CV.
Members of the Nominations Committee include Elizabeth Boyle (Chair), Jonathan Simon, and Mariana Valverde. Please email all nominations to the Elizabeth Boyle at boyle014@umn.edu.
In mid-August, the Nomination Committee will make a recommendation to fill the position to the LSA Board of Trustees, who must approve the appointment. The Book Review Editor will serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees. The committee is willing to consider nominees who are available for only a portion of the term, although nominees who can fill the full three-and-one-half (3.5) year term are preferred.
The Law & Society Association is seeking nominations for a new Book Review Editor for the Law & Society Review. The new editor will begin as soon as possible, completing the last two issues of the upcoming (2010) volume (44:3 and 44:4), and an additional three volumes (45 to 47; years 2010-2012).
Ideally, the LSA Book Review Editor will have a keen eye for significant law and society work, an appreciation of the theoretical and methodological breadth of law and society scholarship, a willingness to tap into networks of conscientious folks who would write interesting reviews from a variety of perspectives, a creative approach to conceptualizing and generating reviews, the ability to meet deadlines, and the interest in and availability to devote time to this important task.
If these characteristics describe you or one of your colleagues, please consider applying or making a nomination. The committee will contact nominees directly to make sure that they are willing to serve. The position is open to all members of LSA. Names received by Friday, July 10 will receive full consideration by the Nominations Committee. Nominations should include the following information:
Candidate's name and contact information
Present professional position
A statement of the candidate's qualifications for the position
Optional: any other information in support of the nomination, for example, a CV.
Members of the Nominations Committee include Elizabeth Boyle (Chair), Jonathan Simon, and Mariana Valverde. Please email all nominations to the Elizabeth Boyle at boyle014@umn.edu.
In mid-August, the Nomination Committee will make a recommendation to fill the position to the LSA Board of Trustees, who must approve the appointment. The Book Review Editor will serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees. The committee is willing to consider nominees who are available for only a portion of the term, although nominees who can fill the full three-and-one-half (3.5) year term are preferred.