Hat tip: H-LawThe second law and governance conference will, like the first, take place in the Moot Court Room at the Faculty of Law, which is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year!
Undergraduates and graduate students are encouraged to attend and will not be charged a fee; you do, however, need to register. For a registration form click here. The registration fee for faculty members is $50. A limited number of seats are available for a dinner with the panellists on Friday, 16 October at Windermere Manor; those wishing to attend the dinner will be charged an additional $50 and seats will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. All charges include GST. Registration in advance of the conference opening would be greatly appreciated, and if you wish to attend the dinner please register by 5 October. We regret we cannot accommodate payment by credit card; cheques or money orders can be made out to The University of Western Ontario; you are also welcome to pay with cash when the conference opens. Completed registration forms can be mailed to the attention of Allyson N. May, Department of History, Social Science Centre, Room 4328, London, ON, Canada, N6A 5C2.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Law and Governance in Britain
The Department of History and Faculty of Law at the University of Western Ontario announce the conference "Law and Governance in Britain," to be held on October 16 and 17, 2009, in London, Ontario. (The draft program is here; information on presenters is here; travel information, here.) According to the announcement,