Standardizing the American State: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives (including Daniel Carpenter on Bioequivalence)
Experts in American Policy (including Jonathan Chausovsky on the Bureau of Corporations)
New Perspectives on Congress and History (including Eric Schickler on the Limits of New Deal Liberalism)
Shifting Modes of Governance: A Punitive Turn in American Social Policy?
Institutional Analysis of the Courts (including Shep Melnick on Adversarial Legalism in the Civil Rights State)
Economic Regulation in Historical and Comparative Perspectives (including Gerald Berk on the National Recovery Administration)
Bringing Sexual Orientation Back In: Gay Citizenship and American Political Development (with Margot Canaday, et al.)
Social Movements and Their Tactics (including Julie Novkov on "Men's Rights")
Presidential Development in Historical Development (including Kevin McMahon on Nixon's Court and American Politics)
Rethinking the American State: Historians and Political Scientists Converse (with James Sparrow, Jeremy Johnson, Desmond King, Brian Balogh, Eduardo Canedo, and Quinn Mulroy)
Race and American Political Development (including Daniel Kryder on law enforcement in Clarksdale, Mississippi, in the sixties).
Image credit: APSA. Hat tip: Clio: Newsletter of the Politics & History Section, APSA