Iowa Advocate, the alumni magazine of the
University of Iowa College of Law, recently posted on-line a notice of the launching of a Program in Law and History at the school. The announcement commences:
The University of Iowa has a proud tradition of scholarship and teaching in the field of legal history. Among the many legal historians who have taught at the University of Iowa are Professors Percy Bordwell (d. 1970), Donald Sutherland (d. 1986), and Henry Horwitz (emeritus 2004). Building on this tradition, the College of Law has founded the Program in Law and History, with the aim of bringing together faculty and students to foster research and teaching at the intersection of law and history. Four faculty with sustained scholarship in legal history are at the center of the new Program. In alphabetical order, they are: Thomas P. Gallanis, recently hired as the N. William Hines Chair in Law; Herbert Hovenkamp, the Ben and Dorothy Willie Chair in Law; Linda Kerber, the May Brodbeck Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences; and Lea VanderVelde, the Josephine Witte Chair in Law. Gallanis and Hovenkamp have secondary appointments in the Department of History, and Kerber has a secondary appointment in the College of Law.