Monday, May 30, 2011

George Mason's David Bernstein Signing Off

Thanks to Mary and the rest of the crew here for inviting me to guest-blog. It's been fun!

I had a few more posts planned for my guest stint: (1) why did historians and other get Lochner so wrong until recently? (2) most history books are too long (not page-wise, but relative to what they have to say); and (3) why you should publicize your academic press on your own, and not simply rely on your press. [Speaking of which, have you bought a copy of Rehabilitating Lochner yet? :)]

Alas, life has interfered, and I haven't had a chance to write these, and won't by tomorrow. But I'll probably address all of these issues at some point at my usual blogging home, Hope to see some of you there.