[We have the following announcement for a fellowship and travel grants in Cold War Studies.]
New York University's Tamiment Library announces the Center for the United States and the Cold War Fellowships and Travel Grants for 2014-2015.
The Center for the United States and the Cold War supports research on the Cold War, especially on the ways in which this ideological and geopolitical conflict with the Soviet Union affected American politics, culture, and society. We will be offering a dissertation fellowship, a post-doctoral fellowship and some travel grants. Applicants for the dissertation fellowship must have passed their comprehensive examinations and expect to complete their dissertations within two years. The post-doctoral fellowship is designed for junior scholars who will have received the Ph.D. by August 31, 2014. A dissertation fellow will receive a stipend of $25,000 for a nine-month academic year. The stipend for the post-doctoral fellow is $45,000. There is one post-doctoral fellowship and one dissertation fellowship available. The *Center's travel grants *are for $1,000 to $2,500, depending on need, to support researchers and scholars who need to conduct in-depth research in the holdings of the Tamiment Library. Research trips may last any length of time, however only scholars outside the New York metropolitan area will be considered. This year there will be at least two travel grants.
The post-doctoral, dissertation, and travel grant recipients are selected on the basis of the applicant's scholarly qualifications; the scholarly significance of the project to the Center's mission to support research on the Cold War; and the appropriateness of the proposed study to the Tamiment Library's collections.
All applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a short project description (5 pages maximum), and a short statement describing the relevance of the collections of the Tamiment Library to the project.
Please submit all materials by March 31, 2014 to Dr. Timothy Naftali, co-director, Center for the United States and the Cold War at ColdWarCenter@nyu.edu. When submitting a dissertation or post-doctoral fellowship application, please use the following format in the subject
line: Cold War Center Fellowship Application LAST NAME. For travel grants, please use the subject line Cold War Center Travel Application LAST NAME.
[More information here.]