Milan Kuhli: Power and Law in Enlightened Absolutism - Carl Gottlieb Svarez´ Theoretical and Practical Approach
Thorsten Keiser: Coercion in Contractual Labour Relationships in Germany from the 16th to the 20th century
Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral: El estudio del Derecho international en el corto siglo XIX español
Wolfram Brandes: Taufe und soziale/politische Inklusion und Exklusion in Byzanz
Christoph H.F. Meyer: Taufe und Person im ersten Jahrtausend
Richard Helmholz: Baptism in the Medieval Canon Law
The classical statements of the medieval canon law, Gratian’s Decretum (ca. 1140) and the Gregorian Decretals (1234) both dealt with baptism. Although a ‘theological’ subject, baptism had worldly consequences and its correct performance was thought to require regulation. This article seeks to bring to light the character of the canon law’s treatment of baptism by comparing its treatment with that it applied within the law of marriage, also a sacrament of the medieval church. It surveys and compares the verbal formulas used for both, the standards of legal finality applied to choices made by and for children, the effect of coercion upon the validity of both, the role of parents and the clergy in arranging for and performing the two sacraments, and the common problem of dealing with legal uncertainty about each sacrament’s performance and validity. It states the basic rules applied in each case. In all of these areas, the canonists sought to arrive at objective and workable standards, but they turn out to have been more willing to bend somewhat to the subjective expectations of the men and women involved in dealing with marriage than with baptism. The explanation for the differences seems to lie in the unequal value accorded to the two sacraments by the medieval church. Baptism lay at the centre of the church’s mission in the world. Marriage did not.

Gerhard Dilcher: Bermans Law and Revolution - eine rechtshistorische Revolution?
Andreas Thier: Harold Bermans Law and Revolution: A Necessary Challenge for Legal History Research
Wim Decock: Capital Confidence. Updating Harold Berman´s Views on Mercantile Law and Belief Systems
Pierre Monet: Usages et réceptions médiévistes de Berman: un point de vue français
Tomasz Giaro: The East of the West. Harold J. Berman and Eastern Europe
Alessandro Somma: Diritto comparato e rivoluzione
Wang Jing: Law and Revolution in China
John Witte Jr.: Harold J. Berman as Historian and Prophet